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What Causes Sensitive Teeth?

10/19/15 6:50 AM

Question: I would like to know what are some of the causes for having sensitive teeth?   My teeth are starting to become sensitive.  Mostly when I have hot or cold food. It is really troublesome to me and I would like to know why my teeth are so sensitive.

Answer: One of the reason why you may have sensitive teeth could be that you have receding gum lines that exposes part of your tooth root that is not covered by your tooth enamel.  Or that your tooth enamel is worn down  The tooth root or the tooth which is exposed do to lack of enamel has tiny tubules leading to the tooth’s nerve center.

So when you have hot or cold items it reaches the nerve in your tooth, which can then results in the pain you may feel.  Also tooth decay or cavities that are just starting may not hurt you every day but by having hot or cold items may hurt because it is reaching your tooth nerve.

I suggest seeing a dentist so that he or she can determine what is causing your teeth sensitively and provide treatment.

Posted on 10/19/15 6:50 AM | by California Dental | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on What Causes Sensitive Teeth?

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